I don't like long pauses from posts. It seemed I was just getting rolling when I stopped posting all together. A quick run down of what has happened.
Well lets see that gets us through from March to now. This kid has squarely earned the nickname "Jaws". In fact I have put it on a hat. The funny thing is it really isn't her fault. She doesn't bite people . . . often. But she bits and chews up everthing. We recently got two dogs and aside from the more powerful jaw of the dog, they are neck and neck for how much stuff they have chewed up. She is the first kid that has actually destroyed board books that have survived two other kids.
Now, like I said, it isn't entirely her fault. She is actually cutting all of her molars at once. No one should have to deal with that kind of pain, but then again, Jaws is a unique baby.
Princess has started kindergarten and is doing well. Her husband is in the same class as she (long story) and she is quite happy about that. She also is in a great teachers class. I am proud of her so far and hope she doesn't grow up to fast. I was really surprised at how hard it was to see her in the big kid school. She is still my baby and even though we have a new baby at the house, Princess will always be my baby.
Diva has started school too, and after such a depressing year last year she is still up beat. It wasn't that last year was so bad, but she really had subpar teaching and, I think, she missed out on how fun 1st grade should be. So far I am still unsure about whether she is in a good class or not, but she seems to be doing ok.
I am getting ready to start a fatherhood podcast. It's not a new concept, but I think it will be fun. I will be working with two other fathers who were both also in education. I am using the experience to increase my skills. Hopefully I will have some to increase!
What happens when a generic super villian goes home to the wife and kiddies?
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Holy crap, things happen fast when your life is in the fast lane.
From the-How can she be so big-department, I just wanted to report several intersting occurances.
First, this week was Godzilla's birthday. It seems only yesterday that she earned that title becuase she had just learned to walk. Now she is in dance and knows her dance better than her older sister. How time does fly. She informed her mother that, "Five year olds do not take naps." Of course, she is almost intolerable each evening when she hasn't had a nap. But I am hoping to get her to stop sucking that thumb using the same logic.
My youngest, Tank, is dying to walk. She pulls up on everything. This is a disaster. I was hoping for at least two more months of her tanking around the house. She has earned the name Tank. She crawls like a Tank. She doesn't evade anything in her path, and if something is in her way she simply crawls over it until she either, passes it, or becomes high centered and cries to be released. Her favorite place in the house is the porch and if she is in eye shot of the porch she crawls over to the sliding glass door and tries to crawl through it. Again, she is Tank.
My olds, views all of this with a sort of detached amusement. Her birthday is coming and she is anticipating a great party. We sat together on the couch yesterday and I watched her read a book cover to cover. She's six! Junie B. Jones. Amazing. The other day we were going out to dinner and meeting some family at the restaraunt. As always I required her to bring something to do. She wanted to bring a book for herself and her cousin. I suggested the book for the car and something else for entertainment at dinner. I didn't want her cousing to say again to her, "Reading is boring." like she has som many times before. I don't want her love in reading to diminish at all!
I will insert some cool picts later on!
Oh, my Christmas DVD's are finally done and might actually make it in the mail this week. Only half a year late. Yikes!
From the-How can she be so big-department, I just wanted to report several intersting occurances.
First, this week was Godzilla's birthday. It seems only yesterday that she earned that title becuase she had just learned to walk. Now she is in dance and knows her dance better than her older sister. How time does fly. She informed her mother that, "Five year olds do not take naps." Of course, she is almost intolerable each evening when she hasn't had a nap. But I am hoping to get her to stop sucking that thumb using the same logic.
My youngest, Tank, is dying to walk. She pulls up on everything. This is a disaster. I was hoping for at least two more months of her tanking around the house. She has earned the name Tank. She crawls like a Tank. She doesn't evade anything in her path, and if something is in her way she simply crawls over it until she either, passes it, or becomes high centered and cries to be released. Her favorite place in the house is the porch and if she is in eye shot of the porch she crawls over to the sliding glass door and tries to crawl through it. Again, she is Tank.
My olds, views all of this with a sort of detached amusement. Her birthday is coming and she is anticipating a great party. We sat together on the couch yesterday and I watched her read a book cover to cover. She's six! Junie B. Jones. Amazing. The other day we were going out to dinner and meeting some family at the restaraunt. As always I required her to bring something to do. She wanted to bring a book for herself and her cousin. I suggested the book for the car and something else for entertainment at dinner. I didn't want her cousing to say again to her, "Reading is boring." like she has som many times before. I don't want her love in reading to diminish at all!
I will insert some cool picts later on!
Oh, my Christmas DVD's are finally done and might actually make it in the mail this week. Only half a year late. Yikes!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Baby Food
I will not feed my child anything that I have not yet tried myself.
That sounds reasonable. It all started when I was sitting down to feed Darth Baby when I wasn't sure of the temperature. So I popped a bite of "peas" in my mouth to make sure it wasn't too hot.
Although there was a picture of peas on the outside of the jar, what was inside had the consistancy of curdled milk and the flavor of something usually reserved for post digested foodstuff.
However, it came to me as an epiphany that I could provide the world with critical data that it so desparately needs. I will help all parents. I will rate babyfood so you won't have to!
Here is a short list of the flavors and what I think. I will add too it as the list grows. Understand that with each flavor will come a color code indicating how bad my baby's skin reacted (she has allergies to foods) based on the food. Yummy, Now lets dig in! (white no reaction, pink some reaction, red bad reaction, red alert yikes its gonna be a long day!)
"Bananas" or as I like to refer to them as "what the hell did I just put in my mouth. white
"Peas" well at least they taste like vegatables. Just a little pre digested and bland. red
"Green Beans" remarkable. Put it and the peas together and I would never be able to tell them apart. Its like comparing chewing on cotton balls with chewing on cotton underwear. red
"Apples" this is the best. Thin applesause you could drink with a straw. It is now my number one favorite drink, and it comes in convenient shot glass form. white
"Pears" same as apples
"Peaches" yuck, but mostly the same as apples.
Although that finishes the stage 1 foods, you must understand that what I will post next should be feared at all costs. What follows might offend those of weak constitutions or of a gentle palette. I won't hold back. Since we can't offer anything that has peas or beans (wiping out 60% of the choices) we had to look for more creative choices.
That sounds reasonable. It all started when I was sitting down to feed Darth Baby when I wasn't sure of the temperature. So I popped a bite of "peas" in my mouth to make sure it wasn't too hot.
Although there was a picture of peas on the outside of the jar, what was inside had the consistancy of curdled milk and the flavor of something usually reserved for post digested foodstuff.
However, it came to me as an epiphany that I could provide the world with critical data that it so desparately needs. I will help all parents. I will rate babyfood so you won't have to!
Here is a short list of the flavors and what I think. I will add too it as the list grows. Understand that with each flavor will come a color code indicating how bad my baby's skin reacted (she has allergies to foods) based on the food. Yummy, Now lets dig in! (white no reaction, pink some reaction, red bad reaction, red alert yikes its gonna be a long day!)
"Bananas" or as I like to refer to them as "what the hell did I just put in my mouth. white
"Peas" well at least they taste like vegatables. Just a little pre digested and bland. red
"Green Beans" remarkable. Put it and the peas together and I would never be able to tell them apart. Its like comparing chewing on cotton balls with chewing on cotton underwear. red
"Apples" this is the best. Thin applesause you could drink with a straw. It is now my number one favorite drink, and it comes in convenient shot glass form. white
"Pears" same as apples
"Peaches" yuck, but mostly the same as apples.
Although that finishes the stage 1 foods, you must understand that what I will post next should be feared at all costs. What follows might offend those of weak constitutions or of a gentle palette. I won't hold back. Since we can't offer anything that has peas or beans (wiping out 60% of the choices) we had to look for more creative choices.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Growing Up
It happens every once in a while that my oldest will come bounding around a corner the look of her will catch me off guard. She's just a baby and there she is wearing her little twirly skirt, reading a book to her sister, or curling up with the game boy. I just can't describe the angst and fear that little by little she won't be my baby any more.
I really struck me yesterday. When its in your face, you are really prepared. Like when she is moving through some major event. The first day of kindergarten or the first time she finished an entire book on her own both strike me as days when she seemed bigger than life. But its the subtler days that really leave that eerie nostalgic feeling deep in your gut.
I can't even tell you what it was yesterday that did it. It probably was a thousand little things. Some phrase she picked up at school or from me that she repeated in a new context. Or the way she wore her hair or flicked it out of her face.
Luckily she continues to remind me how little she still is too. When she comes out of bed in the morning still clutching her blankie. Or when she goes through her stuffed animals trying to decide which she will sleep with. Or, my favorite, when she will jump into my arms just to be held.
Of course, now when she jumps into my arms, I better be ready! She has jumped more than once and I thought we were both going to bite the ground.
I don't know what the future holds, but I know that I am loosing my hold on her little by little. Luckily I have two more to hold on to!
I really struck me yesterday. When its in your face, you are really prepared. Like when she is moving through some major event. The first day of kindergarten or the first time she finished an entire book on her own both strike me as days when she seemed bigger than life. But its the subtler days that really leave that eerie nostalgic feeling deep in your gut.
I can't even tell you what it was yesterday that did it. It probably was a thousand little things. Some phrase she picked up at school or from me that she repeated in a new context. Or the way she wore her hair or flicked it out of her face.
Luckily she continues to remind me how little she still is too. When she comes out of bed in the morning still clutching her blankie. Or when she goes through her stuffed animals trying to decide which she will sleep with. Or, my favorite, when she will jump into my arms just to be held.
Of course, now when she jumps into my arms, I better be ready! She has jumped more than once and I thought we were both going to bite the ground.
I don't know what the future holds, but I know that I am loosing my hold on her little by little. Luckily I have two more to hold on to!
Sunday, January 29, 2006
My Life as Mr. Generic
The sublime mannered alter ego to Sarcastico has decided he has some things to say! This will be a bastion of his ideas, his purpose, his very being. Of course everything will be nothing if not mundain or pedestrian. Wait and see. It is coming in a short time!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
A brief look at the problem

To all of you who believe that Sarcastico has no heart. I offer you this image. Note the child like Eskimo baby you see here. Isn't she cute. (Like you can tell this baby is a she under all that clothes.) AS you can see she is holding her favorite rattle. What's amazing, is that she was given 100s of baby toys. Sparkley ones, noisy ones, ones that light up, soft ones, ones that help with her educational development and as you can see the $2.00 rattle that came with the bib is her favorite.
What I am most happy about is describing this little toy. Now that it has been the favorite toy for so long, drool has penetrated the microscopic cracks, squeezing its way inside the rattle so that the the little rattle ball (who knows what this thing is-probably made of old rotten deadwood) has become so saturated with drool that it no longer rattles. She, of course, is very confused by this. She continues to shake it and then, when it makes no sound, she looks at it somewhat confused and detached; as if she remembers a better day, when this wonderful toy did more, much more. But alas it has fallen silent.

Peace Out!
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