Saturday, November 26, 2011

After today's run

Well, I got my 13 miles in this morning. Is it wrong to finish your run and have a little nap? I hope not. The problem is, I was still tired even after getting through it. I finished slow, but I didn't really put up much of a fight. I figured I simply needed to cover the distance. At the halfway point, my brain decided to try and kill me by suggesting I step up my mileage and get to the 20 mile mark today. Luckily, after almost getting hit by a car, cooler heads (mine) prevailed and I was able to talk myself back to 13.

However, next Saturday is just sitting out there like a big dead end. 20 miles! 20 MILES! I hope I can hold it together. I've got a 9 miler on Monday and a couple of 5 milers at above race pace this week. I think I can get to those. Its harder and harder to get those runs in at the gym after doing some resistance training. Chest, Tri, Shoulders - miles; Back, Bi's, Abs - miles. We'll see.

Leg update, hurts. Hurts bad. Oh well.

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