Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Injuries are for the strong, but I'm weak

Well, I'm interrupting my boring diatribe about teaching, to whine about my most current predicament. I'm now injured. I don't want to admit it to anyone or worse, to any doctors, but I fear I've done something to myself. I have been very careful about my running, not increasing too fast, making the most of the time before and after I run. Giving myself appropriate rest time and eating right as well.

I did change my shoes, and found that they may have been a part of the problem. Now, after a couple of weeks of limping around, I have come to the realization, that I really have a problem. It could be tendinitus. It could be a tibular stress fracture. It could be some other form of shin splints. But, I have the pain in the same location on both legs, and it is much worse on the left than the right.

So, what should I do? Many people tell me to quite running for a while, but I am 7 weeks away from my first marathon. Even if I was healthy, I don't know if I can finish one, but with the pain, I'm not only worried I won't finish, but also worried I might create a long term problem.

I don't want to be a quitter. I have people all around me helping me quit. My wife, is fully supportive and backs my fully. Of course, I know she is worried as well. So I'm gonna hide my limp, and focus on finishing. I've laid off the last race I was going to enter and it looks like I'm gonna miss the Space Coast marathon in order to work in a little extra rest. I hit the treadmill and orbital to keep up my endurance.

We'll see what happens. If this has been you, I no longer think of injuries the same way.


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