Sunday, January 29, 2006

My Life as Mr. Generic

The sublime mannered alter ego to Sarcastico has decided he has some things to say! This will be a bastion of his ideas, his purpose, his very being. Of course everything will be nothing if not mundain or pedestrian. Wait and see. It is coming in a short time!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

A brief look at the problem

To all of you who believe that Sarcastico has no heart. I offer you this image. Note the child like Eskimo baby you see here. Isn't she cute. (Like you can tell this baby is a she under all that clothes.) AS you can see she is holding her favorite rattle. What's amazing, is that she was given 100s of baby toys. Sparkley ones, noisy ones, ones that light up, soft ones, ones that help with her educational development and as you can see the $2.00 rattle that came with the bib is her favorite.

What I am most happy about is describing this little toy. Now that it has been the favorite toy for so long, drool has penetrated the microscopic cracks, squeezing its way inside the rattle so that the the little rattle ball (who knows what this thing is-probably made of old rotten deadwood) has become so saturated with drool that it no longer rattles. She, of course, is very confused by this. She continues to shake it and then, when it makes no sound, she looks at it somewhat confused and detached; as if she remembers a better day, when this wonderful toy did more, much more. But alas it has fallen silent.

Next week we will dissect this picture of another cute girl and her brass knuckles! Watch out, she has been seen shaking down the whole neighborhood for cash and cookies. If you step out of line, she will put you in your place. Don't forget her she is always packing heat (this time its her attack blankie!)

Peace Out!